Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Health update...

Here is a little background on what I did in 2011...

MAY: We went to see a naturopath to do a fertility work-up. It resulted in some blood work and tweaking but nothing too major on that end. My hubz was checked for a varicoscele (see definition here), which he did not have and is A-OK.

As for me, I had a low Vitamin D level (29) and some other minor things like an elevated homocysteine level. It is an amino acid, which, when elevated may be associated with a number of health problems including heart disease and infertility. I wasn't out of the range of normal but a little too high for my naturopath's liking. High homocysteine is associated with low levels of vitamin B6, B12, and folate. My CO-Q10 levels were also on the low side.

I was given some supplements including: adrenal support (for energy), Vit-D3 (10,000 IU/day), Homocysteine support (which is a combo of vitamin B6, 12, folic acid and betaine) and ubiquinol (CoQ10).

After that, not much really happened...just checking in with the naturopath and talking. Finally, my naturopath said to me that she believes that I had convinced myself that I could not get pregnant. While I agree with that, I don't think it's the only reason why I have not gotten pregnant in almost five years of trying. But like I said...going down a road leads you to another. She sent me to my current doctor/wellness guru Dr. Vastola and that was a great move!

AUGUST: Here is what began a new look at my life. I did biofeedback with Dr. V along with EFT (see previous posts), therapy, releasing of energy and work that got me back on an airplane without being drugged. I removed a lot of weight from a very heavy backpack and left feeling lighter.

Dr. V also upped by Vit D-3 supplement to 30,000 IU/day (liquid) and also added liquid vitamin K&D. He also added some Bach Flower remedies to my regimen, which is liquid you drop into your drink and it helps balance emotional issues. I am using Rock Rose, which adds courage and presence of mind in the face of terror or extreme fear. Honeysuckle, which helps put memories of the past into proper perspective if you are feeling homesick or overly nostalgic and also Oak, which allows the naturally strong to take a break rather than struggle on without rest.

SEPTEMBER-NOVEMBER: During this time I was taking my supplements, doing EFT with Dr. V as well as other emotional release techniques. He was also doing the biofeedback with a cold laser. Also, I was gearing up for a flight to Chicago for business. I am NOT a good flyer and seemed to be getting worse an worse. Let's just say on a flight to London over the summer, I was highly medicated and a little drunk...meaning I was barely conscience when I got on the plane at JFK. The way back was no better, plus I was alone on that flight. At least on the way to London I could freak out in the presence of a friend :).  Anyway, before going to Chicago I worked hard with Dr V and really got to the root of my flying fear and can say I went on my flight WITHOUT meds or drinking. My husband was there to witness it and I did even better on the flight back to NY. WOO HOOO!!

Also during this time my husband and I both started going to acupuncture regularly and it's been a really good experience and something we will definitely continue to do.

DECEMBER: Just chilled out this month. Just for kicks we bought a fertility monitor. It's by Clearblue Easy and its one that gives you a great reading of your fertile days. So we've been following that.
I also did another blood test to update from April.
Vitamin D levels moved from 29 to 70 so that's awesome! Everything else looks great too. My thyroid is working nicely and all else was groovy.

And now into 2012:

JANUARY: I decided to make an appt with Dr. Tortoriello at Sher Institute in NYC. I've been to Sher before in the Lehigh Valley and saw Dr. Peters who I really liked, but we moved out of that area (went on a break) and never did any treatment with him. But I want to move forward and see if there is anything else that Dr. T can shed light on with my unexplained infertility. So the appt is set for February 27!
Wish me luck!


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