Thursday, October 6, 2011's emotional freedom baby, yeah!

Tap, tap tap it away....

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments but without the use of needles.

Instead, tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. -- and voice positive affirmations.

I've been doing ETF now for more than a month as I move along on this health and wellness journey that WILL end with a baby!!
It's been an interesting experience that I have been doing with my new doctor...a wellness consultant/chiropractor/therapist/nutritionist...he is a master of many trades. My naturopath, Dr. Pina, sent me along to my new doctor, Louis Vastola, cause she thinks I have some emotional elements going on that needed to be addressed...and she was right.

Since starting EFT and delving into all of this I feel like I am taking off some heavy backpacks filled with emotional stuff that has been dragging me the fact that I feel like many of my friends were moving way ahead of me in life and I was getting left behind at the starting line.

It's funny bc the image in my head and how I have described it to friends was like a race and it seemed like me not "winning" was really bothering me. This realization is also a lesson in humility and about not always having to be the first, best and always right about things. I am open to many more possibilities now.

I was a runner in high school and was pretty good at it...i didn't realize how much I liked to compete until I joined track and field and won a bunch of was all I wanted to do. I wanted to medal and even ended up breaking a school record for the 300M hurdles.

So when I looked at my life in recent years, losing my job and struggling to find a new one (thank god I have one now!), and trying to conceive, while my friends were having babies and those babies were having birthdays and they were moving on with their lives, I was at a loss.

I told Dr. V all about this at a recent visit and doing ETF with him about this issue made it roll off my back so much so that even when I talk about it, I can't even remember the feelings of sadness I had when I was feeling so left behind.

I seriously left that backpack at my doctor's office and walked out feeling lighter.

I know this may sound wishy, washy but I don't doubt the power the mind has over the body.
Things EFT can do:
--Remove Negative Emotions

--Reduce Food Cravings

--Reduce or Eliminate Pain

--Implement Positive Goals

There are other issues I am still dealing with that didn't end after the first round of tapping out the forgiveness. That's a hard one but when it comes up...I know have the tool to deal with it.

Below is a video on the points that you should tap and how to do it:

Happy Tapping!!