Monday, January 30, 2012

Drink until you see Pink...

I met a group of awesome ladies at a support group meeting a few weeks ago and one of the girls said that funny line and I am most certainly living by it!

Little Ruby and a lovely bottle of wine
A little vino before bed, with dinner, with lunch, after lunch, before dinner, during the day just for kicks, when I shower..ok, ok just kidding. I am not developing an addiction but am happily doing things that I can before I cannot for 9+ months :)

I am keeping the optimism going...although sometimes I get weighed down by time going so slowwwwww. I am uber excited for my doctor appt at the end of February but it feels like it's years away. My patience is being tested, again, as it has been for more than four years of all this waiting and waiting and more freakin' waiting. I also calculated that when I go to see the RE doctor at the end of Feb, I will be on day five of my cycle so the month of March (when I turn a year older..ugh!) will be a wash. I am a little down in the dumps.

So I will instead indulge in things I cannot do while pregnant like eating sushi, drinking alcohol...jumping on a trampoline (well maybe just my bed instead), break dancing and eating moldy cheeses.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Supplements and other goodies...Swanson Vitamins

I am not a paid spokesperson (sometimes I wish I if anyone wants to throw some money my way...I will not refuse :) BUT I like to share any and all things I am doing with my health and wellness to all of my readers :)

I've been ordering my vitamins from Swanson Vitamins and have been really happy with their quality and prices of their own brand as well as the others they offer that I use like New Chapter Organics.

I've ordered everything from vitamins and shampoo to spices. I just put an order in today. So there's no better time to let you know my daily regimen:

Here ya go:
-Vitamin D-3 (10,000 IU/day - liquid)
-Vit B-12 (sub-lingual)
-Fish oil (omega 3, 6, 9 in liquid)
-Folate (lots of times your pre-natal vitamins doesn't have enough of these things)
-Magnesium citrate (calms me down and helps me sleep)
-Vit C
-Ubiquinal (CoQ10)
(I also just ordered some Maca for my hubby, who is also taking a man's multi, saw palmetto, l-carnitine and ubiquibal)

Some other good supplements to take to boost your fertility are:
-Chaste berry (400 gm 2x/day) (boosts progesterone, which is key in maintaining a pregnancy)
-Red raspberry leaf (strengthens your uterus and can be taken in tea form)
-Evening primrose (helps maintain hormonal balance..if you have too much or too little it helps even that out)
**Of course these herbs/supplements could interfere with fertility treatments/drugs so always check with your doctor first if you are in treatment**

One more thing I wanted to mention...

Ladies, if you are not using organic cotton tampons/ need to make that change ASAP. There are several types that use organic cotton, with no chlorine, no perfumes and no synthetic materials. They are a fraction of the cost on Swanson when compared to Whole Foods and Wegmans. Also, you can almost always get coupon codes for Swanson for free shipping, etc so what are you waiting for???? Our insides need to be happy too :)

Ducks in a row...

Some things have been on my mind and I like being able to finally tackle them... especially as I prepare to go back to the RE and have a new look at my fertility.

First - I've had pain in my left wrist for about three years. Had an MRI and went to a wrist surgeon about 2 years ago. He said I had some fluid in my wrist and told me to just "stop doing yoga." He was, and I am sure still is, a moron. He gives doctors bad names, a few of which I would have liked to have called him. 
I suppose if you can't "fix" my issue without surgery then you just can't help me. Thanks Pal!

Anywho...I was concerned the pain/weakness may have to do with an autoimmune disease and also might be affecting my fertility (when you have this much time to think about things...well, your mind wanders). Turns out, I do not have an autoimmune disease so that's a relief since I have been worrying for a while that I may have lupus. 

I am still waiting on a Lyme Disease test and one for celiacs (just cause I am a worry-wort these days). I'll know by Monday. 

Second, as you know if you have read earlier posts, I have constant sinus issues that goES from bad to worse in a short time. I went to an allergist and after poking my arms 38 times then re-doing about 28 of those with syringes, I am allergic to the follow:

-Dust mites
-Several trees (mainly that pollinate in the spring)
-Grass (the kind on your lawn, not the kind you smoke :)
-One outdoor mold (again, something that comes out in the spring)
-Cats (this wasn't a huge one but still there and given that I have two cats, well not so great for me. But the cats are 11 and I will not be giving them away, so I'll have to deal with those cute faces).

So basically I have seasonal allergies, which I already know about. The cats, not so much. The doc gave me some nose spray and allergy pills, which turn me into a walking zombie even though I take them before bed.

I am making some headway on this issue but still not much has changed in terms of my symptoms. I am going back to the allergist in a couple of weeks and should know more then.

All in all, I want to go back to the RE knowing that I don't have any other lingering issues that I need to deal with. It's spring cleaning for your body!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paula Deen is a bad example for everyone

This article on MINDBODYGREEN sums it all up. 

Paula Deen, you are an excellent example of the many things wrong with our society and a poor role model. Take your twinkie cake and shove it.

4 Reasons Why Paula Deen Totally Blew It
You've probably noticed that we avoid negative posts here at MBG. But with Paula Deen's recent Type-2 diabetes announcement (which she hid for three years while she promoted the very food responsible for her illness!) and subsequent deal with a diabetes drug company -- well, that was just too much to ignore.
Why is this so upsetting?


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Breakfast of juice

I started my day off with a green juice to get my own juices flowing. I've had a nasty sinus/chest infection since Saturday and I am not a happy camper!

Today's recipe:

Kale (of course!)
Green apples
(I ran out of parsley, which I've been adding to this one!)

According to juicing/wellness warrior guru Kris Carr of Crazy Sexy Life, juicing is freaking awesome!! See what she has to say below:
Hands down the best way to increase our alkalinity and detox our purdy bodies is to consume a diet full of sunlight aka liquid chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll contains a powerful blood builder that’s said to increase red blood cells, improve circulation, ease inflammation, oxygenate the body, and counteract harmful free radicals. By eating (and drinking) a diet high in chlorophyll (raw fruits and veggies, especially leafy greens), we dine on liquid oxygen, the very substance we need to stay alive and thrive.
To read more about Juicing vs. Blending...go here!

May the juice be with you my fertile readers!

Health update...

Here is a little background on what I did in 2011...

MAY: We went to see a naturopath to do a fertility work-up. It resulted in some blood work and tweaking but nothing too major on that end. My hubz was checked for a varicoscele (see definition here), which he did not have and is A-OK.

As for me, I had a low Vitamin D level (29) and some other minor things like an elevated homocysteine level. It is an amino acid, which, when elevated may be associated with a number of health problems including heart disease and infertility. I wasn't out of the range of normal but a little too high for my naturopath's liking. High homocysteine is associated with low levels of vitamin B6, B12, and folate. My CO-Q10 levels were also on the low side.

I was given some supplements including: adrenal support (for energy), Vit-D3 (10,000 IU/day), Homocysteine support (which is a combo of vitamin B6, 12, folic acid and betaine) and ubiquinol (CoQ10).

After that, not much really happened...just checking in with the naturopath and talking. Finally, my naturopath said to me that she believes that I had convinced myself that I could not get pregnant. While I agree with that, I don't think it's the only reason why I have not gotten pregnant in almost five years of trying. But like I said...going down a road leads you to another. She sent me to my current doctor/wellness guru Dr. Vastola and that was a great move!

AUGUST: Here is what began a new look at my life. I did biofeedback with Dr. V along with EFT (see previous posts), therapy, releasing of energy and work that got me back on an airplane without being drugged. I removed a lot of weight from a very heavy backpack and left feeling lighter.

Dr. V also upped by Vit D-3 supplement to 30,000 IU/day (liquid) and also added liquid vitamin K&D. He also added some Bach Flower remedies to my regimen, which is liquid you drop into your drink and it helps balance emotional issues. I am using Rock Rose, which adds courage and presence of mind in the face of terror or extreme fear. Honeysuckle, which helps put memories of the past into proper perspective if you are feeling homesick or overly nostalgic and also Oak, which allows the naturally strong to take a break rather than struggle on without rest.

SEPTEMBER-NOVEMBER: During this time I was taking my supplements, doing EFT with Dr. V as well as other emotional release techniques. He was also doing the biofeedback with a cold laser. Also, I was gearing up for a flight to Chicago for business. I am NOT a good flyer and seemed to be getting worse an worse. Let's just say on a flight to London over the summer, I was highly medicated and a little drunk...meaning I was barely conscience when I got on the plane at JFK. The way back was no better, plus I was alone on that flight. At least on the way to London I could freak out in the presence of a friend :).  Anyway, before going to Chicago I worked hard with Dr V and really got to the root of my flying fear and can say I went on my flight WITHOUT meds or drinking. My husband was there to witness it and I did even better on the flight back to NY. WOO HOOO!!

Also during this time my husband and I both started going to acupuncture regularly and it's been a really good experience and something we will definitely continue to do.

DECEMBER: Just chilled out this month. Just for kicks we bought a fertility monitor. It's by Clearblue Easy and its one that gives you a great reading of your fertile days. So we've been following that.
I also did another blood test to update from April.
Vitamin D levels moved from 29 to 70 so that's awesome! Everything else looks great too. My thyroid is working nicely and all else was groovy.

And now into 2012:

JANUARY: I decided to make an appt with Dr. Tortoriello at Sher Institute in NYC. I've been to Sher before in the Lehigh Valley and saw Dr. Peters who I really liked, but we moved out of that area (went on a break) and never did any treatment with him. But I want to move forward and see if there is anything else that Dr. T can shed light on with my unexplained infertility. So the appt is set for February 27!
Wish me luck!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

In with the new...a year of living life to the fullest!

Happy Fabulous New Year to my  fertile readers!! I want nothing but happiness, health, joy and much love to all of you and your loved ones!

There is no better time than now to reflect on a year past and put out goals for a fresh, new one!

Here are a few things I learned this year:

1. When dealing with forgiveness, take time to also forgive yourself
2. Friends can be the best support group in the world and a support group can be your closest friends
3. You can never have enough patience and it's ALWAYS being tested. Stop fighting it and just let it be.
4. Be your biggest advocate and be in control of your health and wellness
5. Unconditional love from animals can cure bad moods
6. Meditation will keep you sane, so will EFT
7. Even if a road on this path seemed like the wrong one, it will take you to another, so keep the faith!
8. Making new friends who are awesome is an amazing thing and something to be cherished.
9. Crying is A-OK...get it out and take another load off of your back
10. Look your fears in the face, stick your tongue out at them and kick butt!
11. Dancing around your house like no one is watching is revitalizing!
12. Check your control at the door. I know, easier said than done but understanding that you cannot control the world, takes the weight off your be lighter my fertile-grounders!!!

My goals, hopes and dreams for 2012:

1. To write a book and start a health revolution that will take my career on a new path
1. To have more patience. Did I mention that one already? Well it must be important
2. To juice more!
3. To help someone else realize their dreams
4. To realize my own dreams (I will be pregnant this year! I am not giving up!)
5. To be more understanding, smile more and give more hugs
6. To get one person to look at health and wellness differently, with new eyes
7. To keep reading, researching and talking to people so I can pass on the knowledge to live a healthier life, with YOU in the drivers seat.
8. To be healthier...I talk the talk and need to keep walking the walk
9. More random acts of kindness (thanks Dr V!)
10. To spend more time with my pups...they get me through hard times and deserve more belly rubs and runs in the park!
11. To love harder and kiss my hubby more, just for the fun of it.
11. To live for today!

So cheers to that!! Here is to a new year filled with the potential to be extraordinary!!

I am toasting with some green juice...the elixir of the gods :)