Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ducks in a row...

Some things have been on my mind and I like being able to finally tackle them... especially as I prepare to go back to the RE and have a new look at my fertility.

First - I've had pain in my left wrist for about three years. Had an MRI and went to a wrist surgeon about 2 years ago. He said I had some fluid in my wrist and told me to just "stop doing yoga." He was, and I am sure still is, a moron. He gives doctors bad names, a few of which I would have liked to have called him. 
I suppose if you can't "fix" my issue without surgery then you just can't help me. Thanks Pal!

Anywho...I was concerned the pain/weakness may have to do with an autoimmune disease and also might be affecting my fertility (when you have this much time to think about things...well, your mind wanders). Turns out, I do not have an autoimmune disease so that's a relief since I have been worrying for a while that I may have lupus. 

I am still waiting on a Lyme Disease test and one for celiacs (just cause I am a worry-wort these days). I'll know by Monday. 

Second, as you know if you have read earlier posts, I have constant sinus issues that goES from bad to worse in a short time. I went to an allergist and after poking my arms 38 times then re-doing about 28 of those with syringes, I am allergic to the follow:

-Dust mites
-Several trees (mainly that pollinate in the spring)
-Grass (the kind on your lawn, not the kind you smoke :)
-One outdoor mold (again, something that comes out in the spring)
-Cats (this wasn't a huge one but still there and given that I have two cats, well not so great for me. But the cats are 11 and I will not be giving them away, so I'll have to deal with those cute faces).

So basically I have seasonal allergies, which I already know about. The cats, not so much. The doc gave me some nose spray and allergy pills, which turn me into a walking zombie even though I take them before bed.

I am making some headway on this issue but still not much has changed in terms of my symptoms. I am going back to the allergist in a couple of weeks and should know more then.

All in all, I want to go back to the RE knowing that I don't have any other lingering issues that I need to deal with. It's spring cleaning for your body!

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