Monday, April 30, 2012

The waiting game...

Holy crap is this annoying! Nice view but freakin' annoying!
What's a girl to do during the waiting game before the pregnancy test? 

Well I have alphabetized my closet...didn't think that was possible? Well I made it possible (in my head) brand name then color then by item then rated by comfort. :) 

Do I sound like I have a lot of time on my hands...well I do...

Then I gave my dogs and cats (I have a mini-farm at home...the animals outnumber the humans) manis/pedis/facials/conditioner treatments/massages/acupressure/chakra alignments...then I lit some sage and made sure they had no negativity surrounding them. 

Not a happy kitty
Ok, well maybe I didn't do all of this but I am definitely considering it. It's better than the alternative which has been me just staring into space and thinking and thinking and thinking.

Since I need a break from my constant thinking and watching the seconds of this day tick by so I wanted to share a previous post again on a way to eliminate stress/anxiety/overall glumness, etc and that's by using the Emotional Freedom Technique, or ETF. Below will redirct to an older post on EFT and how to do it and what it all means! Happy Tapping!!

Also, just found this online...want to learn how to tap? Check it out!

Tapping World Summit 2012!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

There goes the safety net....(sort of)

So I was flying high...had 20 eggs retrieved, 13 matured, 12 fertilized and 2 transferred. I thought I would have an arsenal left over of 10 embryos to freeze but today Dr. T told me that only 2 made it to freeze. The others didn't make it to the expanded blastocyst stage and were therefore not freezable.

I was a little bummed but at least I still have 2 to work with and I am grateful for that. Dr. T did say that what I got is pretty good and that most IVF cycles don't get more than that!

For now, I am pulling for these tiny little Grade A's that are hopefully working to attach deeper into my uterine lining and beginning implantation.

The crazy part is that the medium I went to in March told me she saw 4...and I thought she was nuts. I think I said something like "well I hope not!" thinking she meant I would only get 4 eggs retrieved. Turns out she was right about the 4...we transferred 2 and now have 2 frozen...that's the second thing that has come up since our reading that came true.

She said there are two kids "waiting to come" and they are very we shall see how close.

I am in the waiting part of this cycle and its truly strange...I feel sort of relieved to be at this point but also anxiety filled. I try to keep the negative thoughts out....I even asked myself, can it be this easy? Could I be one of the lucky ones that IVF works the first time?

It's a strange thing to ask since going through IVF isn't easy at all but I know women that have gone through more. If I were to pose this question to my friends and family who haven't had any fertility issues, they would think I was nuts for asking if it can be this easy.

But I still wonder, have I done enough? Have I worked hard enough at this? These are the annoying questions I ask myself and the ones I want to keep at bay too. I tried hard this month to keep my chin up and be grateful every step of the way...sometimes these thoughts just creep in.

But I still do feel positive about this cycle...I am 3dpt and I feel good. It's Friday...I will sleep in tomorrow and do whatever I please and hang out with friends and just have fun.

Have a good weekend fertile readers!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Say hello to my little blastocysts...

Yes, I am quoting Tony Montana from Scarface when talking about my "grade A" embryos...but hey, a girl's gotta laugh through this!!

Well here they are...they have my eyes and my husband's bone structure! He said the right one looks like a buffalo we are considering the name Buff for a boy :)

Their first photo...with touch-ups of course :)

The transfer was seamless and Dr. Brown at SIRM in NYC was awesome as well as all the nurses there who I always love to see! Dr. B said my lining was "beautiful" and that was the best compliment that I could have ever heard.

We transferred two and now we have 10 left...which makes me feel good, like I have a safety net.

Here is a little tip I got from a good friend about drinking water before the transfer. You need a full bladder when doing the transfer...we live on Long Island and had to drive into NYC..I was going to start drinking an hour before we got there but thank god I didn't or I wouldn't have been able to hold it.
So a friend suggested starting to drink the water when you are about half way to your appointment because you are not taken in immediately and may have to wait. So thanks Heather for that tip! You saved my bladder :)

So St. Rita was in my purse in the room during the transfer as my good luck charm/goddess/mascot/giver-of-hope. Come on St. Rita...I need a miracle!!

My husband's aunt brought me this back from a St. Rita church in Philly

I am at home now just relaxing and trying to make the most out of the rules from the lifting over 10 strenuous vacuuming!! Wooo hooo!

But really, my husband hasn't let me do anything for a few weeks opening the gate in the driveway, picking up the dogs, or carrying anything at all. He has been awesome, especially since he can be seen around town holding a coach bag for me! I tell him it's like a man-bag; a murse -- he does not find that funny.

Friday, April 20, 2012 IVF nemesis

I have been stressing since the start of this IVF cycle about doing intra-muscular shots like progesterone. It's kept me up at night and made me sweat when I thought about it.

Well ladies and gents, it is here...the time to do the shot in my bum...and grin and bear it! On the positive side, doing the shots means that I am that much closer to moving forward with this cycle and I am always excited about that!

But still, all I could think about was this GIANT needle that had to go into my upper/outer butt quadrant. I was picturing it going in and through muscle and tissue and how I was going to be screaming with pain.

It was my nemesis.

At it turns out, the needle part wasn't as bad as I thought. I was laying on the bed with my head in a pillow ready to cry but it was way worse in my head!

Actually, the real pain in the butt comes AFTER the shot where it feels like a big old bruise. I've only done one so far but I can image where this is going...hopefully my husband will not forget about these shots and smack my bum in a way that was once cute but could now spark WWIII.

One thing I have figured out from all of this is that the sight of any needle that I know is meant for me makes my stomach do backflips and sends me running to the loo. So if I have a problem going to the loo...well then all I need to do is look at a needle and I am all set and regular again :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Doing shots...

Getting crazy the night before the retrieval and doing some shots....of wheatgrass :)
Does this mean I will have a green hangover? I'll let you know...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Putting all eggs in one basket...

Well the time has come...tonight I will take a shot to trigger ovulation and then on Thursday Dr. T and his team at Sher will retrieve all of the eggs I have been cooking up!

So far there are about 14 follicles...some are a little smaller than others so I might not get the whole lot but either way I have some really good ones that are measuring up to be over achievers!

Also, more good news today. My blood pressure, which has been very high since Friday, has come back down and is much much better. I also feel so much better than I did late last week so I knew it was only a matter of time.

I am super excited and ready to go! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yes, they are here..the side effects

Ok so yesterday I was all "I feel great" and "I have no side effects"

this is not me but some lady who is dizzy...if it were me I would get better highlights.

Well I can eat those words today....well not really because I might just throw them up. Follistim has reared its lovely head and given me massive headaches and nausea.

And when did it decide to hit me? On my train ride home. I was leaving work a little late and got on the train home...and thanks to "signal problems" the Long Island railroad cancelled some trains and combined others. I walked from front of train to back and not one seat was available...Ok, fine.

So I am standing in the back of a packed car when all of sudden I get a hot flash...I wish I could strip down but ya know, I can't cause I'll get arrested and all. So to avoid jail time I just take off my jacket and scarf and sweat it out.

Following the sweats I am overcome with a pukey feeling. I don't know what to do at this point...can't move down the aisle and I am NOT on a car with bathroom. At that point I consider puking in my purse if it came to that.

Somehow, however, I managed to breath through it and make off the damn train before blowing chunks.
So on the plus side I didn't have to puke in front of strangers...or anyone for that matter. And didn't have to ruin a new handbag!

It comes in waves and I am doing ok husband made me cookies "with love" so all is good! xoxo

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello follies...looking lovely today

Well I am laying the ground work for a fertile ground  in my uterus and as you can see (sort of)...all is good in mah belly. Those are follicles on one of my ovaries and since all looks good I've started my stimulation meds a few days early and am on my way!

I did my first shot of follistim last night and I feel really good today...the only minor side effect I've noticed so far is... crazy, hardcore balling at the site of anything, constant hunger, happiness followed by misery, hugging followed by screaming at my husband, my dog, my cat, my postman (he was caught off guard) and any poor telemarketer who calls my house...

Hehehe...just kidding! Really I've had no side effects (knock on wood) yet except a little bit of hotness at night and I don't mean the sexy kind. But nothing that keeps me up. My dreams have been a little out of control but I've always been that way so nothing new there.

I did have a little breakdown on Sunday night and Monday morning..I was not feeling my optimistic self and things felt very heavy and crappy. My bright spot and my rock is my husband who has given over all to a higher power and reminds me to do the same because good things are to come! I do believe that but get shaken from time to time. I know how lucky I am to have a man like him, who picks me up and carries me when I am down.

I was looking through an old box of my stuff a while back and found some letters that my grandmother had written me when she was alive. She always wrote me letters throughout my life. The one I happened to read was so timely and about when life is hard and you are discouraged just give all over to god to handle.

It made me feel such relief to read it. I don't think there are coincidences, I think Grammy G was there to make sure I read her note at that moment, just like when I saw a rainbow and knew it was from her after she died.

All is good today and I am ok with in this moment feels great, so I'll take it!

So I will know more later this week on how those follicles are progressing! Until then I am continuing acupuncture twice a week along with taking my vitamins and trying to stay active.

I've skipped out on the gym but have been walking Ollie a lot...of course he is way happy about that!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Birthday St. Gerard!!

Lots of us pray to him and wear him around our neck...but on Friday, April 6 it's his birthday!

St. Gerard , the Patron Saint of Motherhood, was born in 1726 in a small town in the south of Italy called Muro. Funny enough, the website I searched for his info used to give out free prayer cards and medals but the response has been overwhelming so they stopped handing them out for free! Ha!

To read more about St. Gerard, click here.

In honor of St. Gerard's birthday, St. Lucy's Parish in Newark, NJ will have an annual mass on April 15 at 12:30 pm.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gratefullness, polyps and more....

Love life and it will love you back....

I recently had a chalk board put into my awesome husband bought chalkboard paint and cut some nice molding and make a lovely place for me (and him) to write whatever we like. The quote above has been on the board for a week or so and I have been feeling the love big time. Not just how much I get but in what I also give out.

I am a few weeks into my first IVF cycle and things are going major side effects with the injections or steroids. I went for my first intralipid IV at SIRM in NYC yesterday. It was painless and calm and I just read my book for two hours.

That's my HUGE hand in the front :)

I was happy and not scared or worried...just grateful. It really overwhelmed me. I was grateful that I could be in a position to get the care I need with a doctor I trust with caring and knowledgeable nurses. I was grateful that my insurance is picking up the cost of many things and I can afford to get a treatment like intralipids.

I definitely wasn't in a place of "why me?" It never crossed my mind. I am just happy and grateful to be able to get excellent treatment and have a family sometime soon! I am also extremely grateful for the tremendous support system I have from my family and friends, especially my "Panera Girls" :)

I feel calm and collected and as cool as a cucumber. I do know that might change as I move along in this month and have more hormone injections but for now, since I love being in this moment, I am loving it big time.

Last week, I had to do a saline sonogram, which is required before doing the IVF. My doc, Dr. Tortoriello at SIRM, found a couple of polpys in my uterus. This was surprising and something I have never been checked for needless to say, I am not sure how long then have been hanging around.

I had a hysteroscopy a few days later to remove the polyps...Dr. T said they were large and hanging there like a chandelier. He used a teeny-tiny scissors to snip them off. I woke up in recovery and was really cramping but overall I bounced back quickly and feel great today.

I had asked if this was the cause of my infertility (even though I know it would be hard to answer) and Dr. T said pretty much that, it's hard to say but could be a contributor.

Even still, I am happy that my uterus is a clean and happy place now...and all ready for baby!!