Thursday, April 1, 2010

99 Balloons...

One thing that keeps me going through all of this is the thought that I will cherish my kids more than I would have if I had gotten pregnant right off the bat. Not that I would have loved them less but when you have to fight for something and put all you have into understand how delicate life is and how precious a gift it is to become a parent. It really is a gift.

I am sure many of you have seen is hard to watch and will make you cry. But you will understand even more about how precious life is and how waking up in the middle of the night to feed your baby is another gift - one you should look forward to.

This isn't just about having a baby; it's about cherishing all moments in your life. Be present, be in the moment and love it!

99 Balloons from Igniter Media on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, that is so sad but so powerful. That is one strong couple who have a lot of faith and hope and love. I really like Igniter Media on Vimeo - I'm going to check out the other videos by them. Thanks for sharing. And you are right. Being a parent is a gift and when you are given that gift you will appreciate it SO much more than if it would have happened in your time as opposed to God's time. xoxo
