Monday, February 8, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Smelly...Natural Deodorant Scorecard

Here is the down-low on natural deodorants....most do not work as well as the regular stuff (in terms of keeping you dry and smelling nice) but those deemed "all-natural" are without the harmful chemicals that are known to cause disease and hormonal imbalances.

The problem is that finding the right one for you might cost you...its trial and error.

Deodorants that are said to be "pure" don't contain parabens, PEGs, synthetic ingredients including hormone-disrupting fragrance and antibacterials, petrochemicals, or aluminum compounds.

The Environmental Working Group - is a non-profit group that uses the power of public information to protect public health says...

Our research brings to light unsettling facts that you have a right to know. It shames and shakes up polluters and their lobbyists. It rattles politicians and shapes policy. It persuades bureaucracies to rethink science and strengthen regulation. It provides practical information you can use to protect your family and community.
The EWG runs a Skin Deep Database which is a free way to find out how safe your personal care products are and how they rate.

My experience with natural deodorants is a work-in-progress. I've tried many and am still not fully satisfied.

First ones I went for were Tom's of Maine and Jason. I wasn't impressed with either. Not much in the line of odor eliminators or anything else for that matter.

Next I bought, Burt's Bees Herbal Deodorant spray which mixes sage, lemon, and lavender to "minimize and neutralize odor while still allowing your body to sweat - a natural toxin-eliminating process." Yeah I did sweat naturally and it did not smell pleasant.

I also took a stab at Nature's Gate and found it to be like the others I already tried. Then I found one that really really worked well.


I thought I hit the jackpot on this one and I was super excited. It is all-natural mineral salts that prevent body odor from occurring - naturally. The deodorant is hypoallergenic, contains no aluminum chlorohydrate, and is paraben free, alcohol-free, non-sticky, and non-staining.

I used it for a long time and it was great. I bought it for my family and suggested to my friends. Then last year my underarms were uncontrollable itchy and wouldn't stop until I stopped using Crystal. So that was the end of that.

It seems to me that some of the most popular deodorants that work the best are the salt crystal ones. It works for A LOT of people so if you are looking for one I would try this out. It's completely affordable!

But I had to move on because it was not working for me any longer.

Next I tried Lafe. Here is what they have to say about their company and organic deodorant:

Lafe's deodorants are a healthy alternative to antiperspirants. Antiperspirants plug up the pores of the skin, which is an unhealthy process, as perspiration in a healthy process allowing toxins to be released from the body. We believe, as do many others, that long-term use of antiperspirants may contribute to breast cancer and other diseases common in the western world. Lafe's deodorant line does not contain any parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic preservatives, artificial fragrances, or petroleum-based chemicals.
I did like this one and might give it another shot. I wasn't completely satisfied but it comes in second so far after my beloved Crystal!

So I am in NY for the week and that means I can spend an hour in the beauty/vitamin isle at Whole Foods!! I took a poll of the ladies in the beauty isle the other day and bought my next one:

Aubrey Organics E-Plus High C roll-on. I cannot get past the smell to see how this one works. I am ultra sensitive to smell and mostly use a fragrance-free one. This 3 oz. bottle was over $8 and I will be returning it today.

I was not happy with my last purchase so I went back and bought Naturally Fresh roll-on. It is a crystal deodorant much like my fave but it hasn't lived up to the hype...yet. I think I need to give it another chance.

So I am going to try some that is raved about (if you want to spend the money $20+) is Dr. Hauschka. The ingredients are pure and it comes in fresh and floral scents. Apparently Martha Stewart swears by it. Even the packaging is environmentally friendly.

I think I may run over to Sephora and check it out! I will give you an update on my testing.

Anyone have a good suggestion?? Leave me a comment and let me know what works for you and what doesn't!

1 comment:

  1. You have mentioned very important tips. choose the best and safest product for your body. Before you buy any deodorant or product that goes on your skin, always read the ingredients.
