Happy Fabulous New Year to my fertile readers!! I want nothing but happiness, health, joy and much love to all of you and your loved ones!
There is no better time than now to reflect on a year past and put out goals for a fresh, new one!
Here are a few things I learned this year:
1. When dealing with forgiveness, take time to also forgive yourself
2. Friends can be the best support group in the world and a support group can be your closest friends
3. You can never have enough patience and it's ALWAYS being tested. Stop fighting it and just let it be.
4. Be your biggest advocate and be in control of your health and wellness
5. Unconditional love from animals can cure bad moods
6. Meditation will keep you sane, so will EFT
7. Even if a road on this path seemed like the wrong one, it will take you to another, so keep the faith!
8. Making new friends who are awesome is an amazing thing and something to be cherished.
9. Crying is A-OK...get it out and take another load off of your back
10. Look your fears in the face, stick your tongue out at them and kick butt!
11. Dancing around your house like no one is watching is revitalizing!
12. Check your control at the door. I know, easier said than done but understanding that you cannot control the world, takes the weight off your shoulders...so be lighter my fertile-grounders!!!
My goals, hopes and dreams for 2012:
1. To write a book and start a health revolution that will take my career on a new path
1. To have more patience. Did I mention that one already? Well it must be important
2. To juice more!
3. To help someone else realize their dreams
4. To realize my own dreams (I will be pregnant this year! I am not giving up!)
5. To be more understanding, smile more and give more hugs
6. To get one person to look at health and wellness differently, with new eyes
7. To keep reading, researching and talking to people so I can pass on the knowledge to live a healthier life, with YOU in the drivers seat.
8. To be healthier...I talk the talk and need to keep walking the walk
9. More random acts of kindness (thanks Dr V!)
10. To spend more time with my pups...they get me through hard times and deserve more belly rubs and runs in the park!
11. To love harder and kiss my hubby more, just for the fun of it.
11. To live for today!
So cheers to that!! Here is to a new year filled with the potential to be extraordinary!!
I am toasting with some green juice...the elixir of the gods :)