Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nature is on my side...

I have been stagnant for a while so I finally took a step in some direction (forward I would hope!). I made an appt for the hubby and me to see a Naturopath doctor.

Naturopathy is an alternative medical system that focuses on natural remedies and the body's vital ability to heal and maintain itself. Naturopathic philosophy favors a holistic approach and minimal use of surgery and drugs.

I had a phone consultation with Dr. Pina LoGiudice of InnerSource Natural Health. I was referred to her by a midwife who delivered my nephew.

Dr. Pina is known in this area as a fertility guru and I am excited to meet her. My hubby and I have a two-hour fertility assistance appointment with Dr. Pina in a few weeks and we will leave with a plan in hand. I will keep you all updated on how it goes and the plan she lays out for us. It will include a diet change, herbal medicine and some acupuncture.

I fell off the wagon of health and wellness that I worked so hard to get to. Part of me trying not to obsess over getting pregnant was stopping all things I was doing to try. I see this appt as a chance to get my health back on track.

And off we go...

There is no way to happiness...happiness is the way

I've been attempting to "just be" and not judge, assign or even think too much. It's a work in progress. For a while I have been content - to a point - with putting off the baby talk and just living life but somehow there is something about the change of the season that sends me right back to that yearning. But I am taking steps to move forward...

I've been listening to Wayne Dyer and his interpretation of the Tao Te Ching - the classic text of Chinese philosophy - which presents a way of life intended to restore harmony and tranquillity to a kingdom racked by disorder, which I can relate to :)

I am on the third verse:

Putting a value on status

will create contentiousness.

If you overvalue possessions,

people begin to steal.

By not displaying what is desirable, you will

cause the people’s hearts to remain undisturbed.

The sage governs

by emptying minds and hearts,

by weakening ambitions and strengthening bones.

Practice not doing. . . .

When action is pure and selfless,

everything settles into its own perfect place.

I am really working on this at the moment. The second verse discussed "just being." If an opportunity appears today to defend or explain myself I am going to choose not to and instead turn within and sense the texture of misunderstanding. I will just be with the way it is instead of transversing it...and getting caught up in the duality of being right or wrong.

The third verse, above, is about being happy in this in there is no way to happiness...happiness is the way. You, like me, might  have a long list of goals that you think will provide contentment when achieved but if you examine your state of happiness in this moment some previous ambitions didn't produce the joy you had thought.

I had a long list of goals when I moved out of state to the countryside of PA. I would be more relaxed and have my kids and raise them on a farm in the country air and I would write and be happy. But I wouldn't be happy and content until I got to that moment. Well the moment didn't materialize...and I was miserable along the way. I missed cherishing almost 2 years of being there bc I wasn't getting what I wanted, what I thought would make me happy.

We are back in NY and I am happy and I am in the moment more than before and it feels good.

Bring happiness to every encounter. Inventory your desires and turn them over to the unnameable and trust. Look for guidance.

Everyone has a calling to be inspired and its time to answer it!